Teach law at the University: Some advances of a research on teaching practices in the UNC law school


  • María Ruiz Juri FD - UNC


Teaching, Teaching of Law, Teaching practices, Virtual environments, Synchronous Virtual Classes


This article intends to share some advances of a research that aims to characterize and understand the teaching of Law at the University and hopes to be a kick to reflect on these practices. Since the field work began to be carried out in 2020, some decisions that teachers made to face teaching in the context of the COVID 19 Pandemic are taken into account, understanding that these decisions that are made in didactic terms are an expression of pedagogical and epistemological conceptions about the teaching of Law. We start from the premise that the process of virtualization of teaching that the Faculty of Law (FD) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) experienced, and continues to experience until the time of writing this article, can be analyzed as a crisis and as an opportunity to reflect on teaching practices in virtual environments and synchronous virtual classes. In this article we are interested in characterizing the teaching practices of some teachers of the Law School, referring especially to what happened during the process of virtualization of teaching that took place between 2020 and 2021, understanding teaching practices as social practices complex, historically determined and with largely unpredictable outcomes.

Author Biography

  • María Ruiz Juri, FD - UNC

    Mgter. en Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnologías (UNC) Prosecretaria Académica de la Facultad de Derecho (UNC) Profesora Titular de Didáctica de la Enseñanza de las Ciencias Jurídicas, Facultad de Derecho (UNC).


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Ética - Enseñanza jurídica – Filosofía – Historia – Sociología

How to Cite

Teach law at the University: Some advances of a research on teaching practices in the UNC law school. (2022). Anuario Del Centro De Investigaciones Jurídicas Y Sociales, XX, 335-353. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/anuariocijs/article/view/37607