


Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR), Biodiversity, Baselines, Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, International Responsibility


The Global Framework for Biodiversity had to determine which baseline would be used to measure the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which would not only affect some technical issues but also the legal-political dimension related to the scope and application of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), in the Convention. Given the persistent divergence among the Parties and the resulting legal void, this article investigates whether the principle is based on international solidarity or if it expresses a component of responsibility that justifies the reparation of historical environmental damage and its accumulated effects up to the present.

Author Biography


    Doctor en Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (UAM-España); investigador de la Universidad Siglo 21 (Córdoba) y diplomático de carrera del Servicio Exterior argentino, prestando actualmente funciones ante los Organismos Internacionales en Ginebra.


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Derecho Internacional - Relaciones Internacionales

How to Cite

EXPLORING THE POTENTIAL POWER OF CBDR PRINCIPLE FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION. LEGAL IMPACTS OF BASELINE DEFINITIONS. (2024). Anuario Del Centro De Investigaciones Jurídicas Y Sociales, XXII, 213-224. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/anuariocijs/article/view/44876