University entrance in the context of virtuality. Reflections on an experience of readaptation of tutoring in the School of History (FFYH-UNC) in the framework of the Program to Support and Improve Undergraduate Education (PAMEG).

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Andrés Landoni
Fabiana Navarta Bianco
Luciano Omar Oneto


In this paper we intend to elaborate post-practice reflections regarding our experiences as tutors in a workshop on reading comprehension, and written and oral expression at an academic level, given by the National University of Cordoba School of History, within the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH-UNC), and as part of the actions taken through the Program for Learning Support and Improvement of University Education (PAMEG) for new arrivals. The Workshop “Al pie de la letra. Cómo abordar, comprender y elaborar textos académicos” was aimed at freshman and sophomore History students during the first semester of 2021. Firstly, we provide an account of the planification of curricular space for a virtual context, of the adaptations which had to be made to the initial proposal, and of the characteristics of the interactions between professors, tutors, and students throughout the course of the workshop. Secondly, we take stock of the workshop and of our practice as tutors. Finally, we contrive proposals which can be of use for future editions.

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