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This article focuses on the conceptual and political crossroads of two contemporary writings, Frantz Fanon´s and Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari´s, and it reads them in the precise moment they develop a critique of representation as a philosophical and political category. We take inductions present in it to draw our own involvement in such criticism. Both writings are committed not only to produce a critical movement of modernity but also of colonialism, especially Fanon. The latter category, often retracted, is crucial to connect texts and concepts to understand the organizational dimension of bodies in the colonial difference and racialization. Fanon´s texts predate, chronologically speaking, to Deleuze and Guattari work. However, both are part of the critical process that began in the mid-twentieth century, particularly from the historical movement of decolonization. While each of these writings is initially aimed at different audiences, both offer comparable interventions which make sense for a heuristic, in our present, of modern/colonial relationships.
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