
  • Paulina Antacli Universidad Nacional de La Rioja / Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Córdoba


Loïe Fuller, Serpentine Dance in Córdoba, Loïe Fuller in “la Docta”


Loïe Fuller presents her famous Serpentine Dance in Córdoba, also known as “la Docta”, Argentina on August 11th, 1904. The dancer/actress creates a new type of art, one that abides by the rules of symbolism and Art Nouveau. Loïe develops a system of representations in which space, light and movement acquire new meanings. The fabric she manipulates by the use of wands defy imagination when creating a dematerialized, expanded and ephemeral body. 

Patriarchal Society from Cordoba in 1900 saves women the participation to lay catholic associations. In Theatres, just a privileged group of people has access to opera shows, concerts and zarzuelas from Italian, French and Spanish companies. Fuller performs in the Argentine Theatre from Cordoba. La Voz del Interior newspaper broadcasts that “Smaun Sing Hpod, the Indian dwarf” and “the one and only singing doll who also waves and runs” are part of the show.

Loïe Fuller’s appearance shocks traditional society from Córdoba, but at the same time it brings winds of change acting as a prelude to modern times. However, more than five decades will have to pass before scenic dance gains its own place in Córdoba.


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2020-06-01 — Updated on 2020-07-01




How to Cite

LOÏE FULLER: THE VICISSITUDES OF SERPENTINE DANCE IN “LA DOCTA”. (2020). Avances, 29, 13-29. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/avances/article/view/28732