
  • Walter Nelson Musich Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos / Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos
  • Karen Spahn Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos / Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes


Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, 1st Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts of Paraná, national art scene


Since 2016 and with the support of the Provincial Museum of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (UADER) we have been studying the foundational years of this Museum, the decisive role of Pedro Ernesto Martínez in its organization and the institutionalization of his first artistic collection between 1925 and 1936.

With this presentation we offer a new advance in the investigation, trying to contribute knowledge and readings on the 1st Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts of Paraná, held in 1930 in the provisional facilities that the Museum had in the Centennial School; event that summoned in the city to the wide and diverse scene of the plastic arts of the country, in a particularly significant year.

In the first part, we recover some issues already analyzed previously about the foundation of the Museum, the prominence of certain actors in its realization and the first steps related to its artistic heritage; then, we analyze the journalistic coverage of the event and, finally, we make a brief analysis of the works acquired in the Exhibition by the Government of the Province of Entre Ríos through the Museum, thus constituting one of the modalities of entry to the founding collection.

This article gives preeminent place to documentary quotes for the purpose of socializing and putting into consideration, in a systematic and explanatory way, unpublished or scarcely known testimonies about the artistic heritage of Entre Ríos.


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2020-06-01 — Updated on 2020-07-02





How to Cite

1st ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF FINE ARTS OF PARANÁ (1930): SCENE OF ARGENTINIAN ART BETWEEN TRADITION AND RENEWAL. STRATEGY AND LEGITIMATION. (2020). Avances, 29, 193-212. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/avances/article/view/28742 (Original work published 2020)