¿Who Talks About the Music that is Played in Schools? Constructed significations



Subjects, Praxis, Signification, Music, Primary school


This article was developed from the Master’s thesis called "¿Who talks about the music that is played in schools? The construction of significations by the subjects from the educational community, from the musical repertoire that circulates in primary schools and their musical praxis", to fulfill the formation of the Masters in Educational Research with a mention in SocioAnthropology, from the Center of Advanced Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias Sociales) of the National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba).

The concern about the significations that the subjects attribute to music in an educational ambit has accompanied us for a long time in our teaching path. Over time, we built some questions: How is the school ́s repertoire composed? What senses were constructed from the repertoire? (group and/or ethnic identities, nationalities, collectivities, nation state, and so on). What conceptions are brought to play by the social subjects to construct significations through the circulating repertoire? Which practices or musical praxis are developed in the school? We believe these questions constitute our problem. We recovered the voices of many of the subjects that belong to the educational community and we also collected the repertoire that circulates and searched to understand the contexts.


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Author Biography

  • Fabián Juan Garione, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba

    Nació en Córdoba el 2 de julio de 1966. Es Profesor de Música (Collegium CEIM Córdoba), Licenciado en Teoría y Crítica de la Música (Universidad Nacional del Litoral), y Magíster en Investigación Educativa (CEA de la UNC). Ejerce la docencia en educación musical desde hace 30 años, habiendo trabajado en nivel inicial, primario y secundario. Actualmente es docente en los profesorados de música de Collegium CEIM Córdoba y del Conservatorio Felix T. Garzón de la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba.


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How to Cite

¿Who Talks About the Music that is Played in Schools? Constructed significations. (2023). Avances, 32, 117-135. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/avances/article/view/41460