Vibrant matter and animated geography: The case of Pacha, Barro Somos



Latin American animation, Stop motion, Materialities, Spaces, Affective geography


An analysis of the animated production La Pacha and its ceremony is proposed, considering the proposal of Laura Marks (2002) of the image as a connective tissue, a palimpsest of events and circumstances that unfold in and from the image to the world. The articulation is built here on three sections: 1) The territory and its narrative; 2) Matter, technology and trance; and 3) A living landscape. The first aims to think about the context of production of the narrative in question and its anchorage in the Andean
territory, its geography, its culture, its history, its cosmogony. The second focuses on the formal power of animation, on the operation of matter as a narrative and symbolic element, and the links that are proposed in the story between the human and nature following Andermann's proposal in his work Tierras en Trance (2018). In the third, the division between culture and nature in the Andean territory is put in tension through authors such as De la Cadena (2015) and Adams and Mulligan (2003), and the new possibilities of linking matter and sensibility, the real and the imaginary, through art and technology.


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Author Biography

  • Luján Ailen Martinez, Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

    Licenciada en Diseño y Producción Audiovisual por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Maestranda en Comunicación Digital Interactiva en la UNR y Doctoranda en Artes en la UNA. Actualmente realiza tareas como becaria doctoral de CONICET en el Centro de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Vibrant matter and animated geography: The case of Pacha, Barro Somos. (2023). Avances, 32, 237-249.