Does Dall-E dream of electric calves? Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence



Artificial intelligence, AI art, aesthetics, generative art, DALL-E


Based on the question Can productions made with Artificial Intelligence be considered works of art?, this article attempts to examine a series of ideas, concepts, categories and systems of art theory that allows, in the first instance, to consider the pertinence of this question for the current artistic field as well as the arguments that would support or oppose it. At the same time, the need to develop new approaches and tools for the analysis of this problem will be discussed, considering the limits of a theory of art where the figure of the artist-creator-human is ranked in artistic creation and where the irruption of these AI models challenges this alleged centrality of the human dimension in contemporary aesthetic productions.


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Author Biography

  • Silvina Jazmín Carnero, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Maestranda en Diversidad Cultural con Especialización en Estudios Afroamericanos (UNTREF). Lic. en Artes Visuales (UBA). Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Estéticas decoloniales. Su investigación está centrada en problemas de Estética contemporánea.


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How to Cite

Does Dall-E dream of electric calves? Art in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. (2024). Avances, 33, 55-73.