Dancing community to imagine other worlds: popular dances in artistic interventions in the City of Córdoba



Dance Studies, Performance Studies, interventions, popular dancing, anthropology of the body


This article revolves around the intervention called “Somos el monte que marcha” carried out in the city of Córdoba between 2016 and 2021 and the way in which a state of body and consciousness was generated through movement in that intervention. In the first instance, the historical process of the emergence of folk dance in our country is analyzed, as well as new ways of dancing that give rise to what in the investigated context was named “popular dance.” Then the way in which these dances were taught to dance is described, characterized by the relationship between the ideas of “own dancing” and “community dancing” to finally describe the main characteristics of the intervention that generated a state of “connection” that people described as “deep and real” and that is understood through Victor Turner's concept of spontaneous communitas. It will be shown how the intervention allowed people to experience the community dance that they defended, thus reinforcing the group's convictions.


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Author Biography

  • Guadalupe Díaz Sardoy, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

    Profesora de Danzas egresada de la Universidad Provincial de Córdoba y Licenciada en Antropología por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Actualmente se encuentra cursando la Maestría en Tendencias Contemporáneas de la Danza en la Universidad Nacional de Artes. Integrante del equipo de investigación “Lógicas y Desvaríos Corporales” (SeCyT, UNC), investiga temas relacionados a danza, performance y antropología del cuerpo.


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How to Cite

Dancing community to imagine other worlds: popular dances in artistic interventions in the City of Córdoba. (2024). Avances, 33, 151-168. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/avances/article/view/45504