Theatrical Conceptions of Precarity: Metaphors for Dealing with the Strangeness of a Complex World
metaphor, scene, theatrical praxis, performance, stage directionAbstract
Within the theatrical landscape of Buenos Aires, we have consistently observed how metaphor seeps into the expressions of theatrical creators, shaping distinctive scenic conceptions and delineating poetic areas of convergence. This suggests that the intersections not achieved through collaborative work are, in these instances, realized through a shared language. Upon detecting these recurrences emerging from the stage, traversing language, and returning to the stage, the possibility of constructing a policy for conserving these words becomes, at the very least, tempting. Such a potential inventory of evanescent terms could account for the network that forms a lexical tapestry referring to a constellation of creators engaged in dialogue—whether real or virtual—as well as specific and situated performance concepts. But what interest lies in inventorying the precariousness of the expressions circulating within the theatrical realm? We contend that, although not their ultimate purpose, these categories that permeate the scenes function as immediate-use resources while simultaneously enriching enduring poetic trajectories, distinguishing characteristic local methods of creation.
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