Citizen science to make new actors and new views visible. Diagnosis and perceptions about its implementation in Spain



citizen science, Spain, Open Science, citizen participation


This paper presents the results obtained in different research projects in which citizen science is one of the main components. The case of Spain is studied with the aim of making a diagnosis of citizen science actions (projects, scientific publications, initiatives) developed in the last decade. Likewise, the perception of citizen science by teacher-researchers (PDI) and citizens is collected. Finally, a case of co-creation is presented in which different social actors use citizen science to explore urban spaces with a more inclusive approach. The results show that formal academic activity on citizen science is still in its infancy, although there are numerous intervention initiatives. In terms of perception, the IDP is not very informed about citizen science actions and there do not seem to be explicit generalized policies at the institutional level for its promotion. Citizens show little knowledge on the subject, but a positive and confident vision regarding the benefits that citizen science can offer in response to local problems.


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How to Cite

“Citizen science to make new actors and new views visible. Diagnosis and perceptions about its implementation in Spain” (2024) Ciencia, Público y Sociedad, 1(1), pp. 39–52. Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2024).