The regulation of proof of damage in national and provincial codes

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Matías Machado


The rules that regulate the burden of proof of damage in our legal system present various variables. The Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation regulates this subject in a generic way by establishing that the person who must prove the existence of the damage is the plaintiff. The procedural codes establish more flexible rules regarding the duty of proving the amount of the compensation. The adjective systems of the Nation and the Province of Córdoba present differences regarding the incidence of probative negligence in regards to the judge's duty to estimate the amount of compensation, which can generate various consequences that deserve to be assessed according to the affected interests.

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How to Cite
The regulation of proof of damage in national and provincial codes. (2023). Estudios Del Centro, 1(1), 56-73.
Doctrina Nacional
Author Biography

Matías Machado, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Abogado (UNC). Maestrando en Derecho Civil Patrimonial (UNC). Escribano (UES 21). Profesor suplente Derecho Privado VII -Derecho de Daños- (UNC, 2021)

How to Cite

The regulation of proof of damage in national and provincial codes. (2023). Estudios Del Centro, 1(1), 56-73.


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