Rotten Eggs and the Universe: Heterodox Methods of Science Communication


  • Mario De Leo-Winkler University of California. Dept. of Physics & Astronomy


communication, science, senses


Science communication has focused on delivering information through the senses of sight and hearing. Using more senses allows for unconventional outreach; the use of the sense of touch, smell or taste, help people retain a higher percentage of the received information, allows citizens with a physical disability to have activities tailored to their needs, or they create multidisciplinary synergies together with the arts. In these paper we describe different innovative and unconventional activities related with communicating astronomy.


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Author Biography

  • Mario De Leo-Winkler, University of California. Dept. of Physics & Astronomy
    Mario de Leo-Winkler es Licenciado en Física, Maestro en Astronomía y Doctor en Astrofísica por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Recientemente se ha desempeñado como director de educación y comunicación del programa MIRO NASA FIELDS en la Universidad de California, Riverside. Sus áreas de investigación son los métodos educativos de ciencia, las ciencias y las artes, comunicación de la ciencia, lentes gravitatorias y galaxias primigenias.


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How to Cite

Rotten Eggs and the Universe: Heterodox Methods of Science Communication. (2018). Etcétera. Revista Del Área De Ciencias Sociales Del CIFFyH, 3.