The fabric of the frame, to the screen, through dresses
Desire, No sexual relationship, EnjoymentAbstract
Desire, the main and constituent issue of psychoanalysis, is the protagonist of the film “The Danish Girl”, in spite of the fact that it is a “biopic”. And here, the desire, is sometimes seen inhibited, sometimes subtle,sometimes excessive. The virtue of the film is not to aim to explain it, understand or clarify it. It keeps the desire in its right place, its opaque place which causes permanent misunderstanding and gives place to Lacan ’s observation, which says there is no sexual relationship.References
Freud, S. (1997). Correspondencias completas. Madrid. Biblioteca Nueva.
Freud, S. (1905 [1973]). Tres ensayos para una teoría sexual. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Freud, S. (1910 [1973]). Un recuerdo infantil de Leonardo Da Vinci. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Llorca Diaz, A. (1997). “Magnus Hirschfeld y su aportación a la ciencia sexológica” en Revista española de sexología. No 81 -82. Madrid: Publicaciones del Instituto de sexología de Madrid. (S/D).
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