Nomadland and the negation of the predicate


  • Sergio Zabalza Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral



Not-all, Duel, Reason


Nomadland is a precious exercise to explore the subjective zone in which reason, far from abandoning itself to skepticism, gives place to the always contingent horizon of our existence. If the reader finds a simile with the logic of not-all that Lacan uses in his formulas of sexuation to describe the feminine field, they are correct. The indefinite trial, to which Emmanuel Kant appeals to resolve the antinomies that transcendent ideas imprint on reason, supports the subjective position that Chloé Zhao (director) and Frances McDormand (actor and co-producer) display in this exquisite film, where a loss serves as a pretext for addressing the meaning of life; the place of feelings; finitude; and the relationship with others, with stones and with nature.


Copjec, J. (2013). El sexo y la eutanasia de la razón. Paidós.

Kant, M. (1781-1787). Crítica de la Razón Pura. México Porrúa.

Lacan, J. (1961). Clase del 13 de diciembre de 1961. En El Seminario: Libro 9, La identificación. Inédito.

Lacan, J. (1971-1972). El Seminario: Libro 19, “…ou pire”. Paidós.

Zhao, C. (directora). Nomadland [película]. Searchlight Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures




How to Cite

Nomadland and the negation of the predicate. (2021). Ética Y Cine Journal, 11(2), 91-93.