“Armando Sueños”: la necesaria relación entre docencia-investigación y extensión aún en tiempos de virtualidad


  • Carla Saad Investigadora (Cat. II)- Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales, Profesora de la materia “Teorías del Conflicto y la Decisión. Métodos de Resolución de Conflictos”, Facultad de Derecho- UNC
  • Emma Mini Investigadora (Cat. V) Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales, Profesora de la materia “Economía” Cat. “A”, Facultad de Derecho de la UNC


virtual environment ; connection of university functions ; extension / research / teaching


The connection between research, extension and teaching is of paramount importance in contemporary higher education. Research and extension were thought of as “two sides of the same coin” though, without doubt, they complement each other when they can produce knowledge in synergy towards undergraduate or graduate degrees. Like Sarmiento and Guillen, we share the idea that complex thinking presents the challenge of embarking on the creative and rewarding search for possibilities for interchange between these university areas and for the creation of spaces of affinity where these institutional areas manage to adjust as parts of a whole. Faced with the unforeseen health emergency, keeping the triad working has meant a challenge. With our research work on the development of projects on public policies on disability and employment, we will attempt to describe the modes and ways in which we conceive extension as part of the legal system, even in times of virtual contact.


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