Over and over. Experience and repetition

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Natalia Lorio


We propose in this text the pass to the experience of the pause and the pause of the experience, proposing to rethink what is repeated from a non-negative difference. Thus, we propose a movement that goes from the thought of the experience towards the tracing of a change in grammar to account for repetition in time and composition in repetition. For this we present, at first, some of the characters from which the experience has been thought (from Jay); In a second moment, we address the ways in which the experience and conceptualization of time appear from that grammar of experience where it appears tense between the chronological and the kairological (from Bataille and Maillard) and an approach to disaster (from Blanchot) as a foreshadowing of a non-linear temporality. Then, we propose to account for a modulation of temporality in the tracing of a grammar of repetition (since Deleuze) and time in a loop (with Stein) to indicate the folds of time, the inside-outside, the singular and the another in the possibilities of composition (perhaps aesthetic, philosophical, political, etc).


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How to Cite
Lorio, N. (2020). Over and over. Experience and repetition. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-12. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/31800
Author Biography

Natalia Lorio, Universidad Nacional de Còrdoba

Natalia Lorio has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National University of Córdoba. She is a Professor at the National University of Río Cuarto. She teaches at the School of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC. Director of the research project "Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: Encounters, Influences and Discussions" (since 2017 - CIFFyH - FFyH-UNC), she participates in the research program "News of Criticism" (dir. Dr. G. Milone- SEyCT-UNC) and in the research projects "Critical Political Theory. Towards the Construction of a Post-Foundation Perspective" (dir. Dr. Emmanuel Biset- SECyT-UNC) and the PICT- "Contemporary Materialisms. Perspectives and theoretical-critical approaches to literature and the arts" (dir. Dr. Gabriela Milone - Foncyt). She is the author of Georges Bataille. Una soberanía trágica (Editorial La cebra, Adrogué, libro digital, 2019) and Libro párpado (co-authored with Verónica Meloni - Borde perdido, Córdoba, 2019). Sheisthecompiler of Filosofía y prácticas de sí - II Encuentro sobre técnicas del yo (with Mario Osella, Mauricio Moretti, UniRío, Río Cuarto, e-book, 2020).

How to Cite

Lorio, N. (2020). Over and over. Experience and repetition. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-12. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/31800


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