Multispecies interruptions and interferences. The redistribution of agency in contemporary artistic practices

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Colectiva Materia


From the point of view of contemporary philosophy, the notion of agency has served both as an indication of the anchoring point of the notion of the human in an anthropological project that has it as its foundation, and also, more recently, as an operator of a renewal of the languages of relationality inherent to the modes of existence that inhabit the earth. In the latter sense, collaborative modes of existence have come to the fore not only in the elaborations on what exists in general (ontological perspective) but also in artistic practices in particular, especially insofar as they are focused on underlining, imagining and/or contesting the relations between the human and the non-human in the explicit context of environmental emergence anxieties. Our aim is to review some aesthetic devices produced in the Latin American context which, concerned with the configuration of worlds that include the living, often advance or assume a certain notion of "nature". This hesitancy between different concepts of the natural (either in its totalising versions or in its specific alternatives) provides an opportunity to map a zone of current tensions regarding the way in which the living is embedded, inserted, interferes with or interrupts a particular anthropocentric manner in which the art/artifice/nature relationship is conceived.


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How to Cite
Materia , C. . (2021). Multispecies interruptions and interferences. The redistribution of agency in contemporary artistic practices. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-19.
Author Biography

Colectiva Materia , Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Colectivo Materia is a group of posthuman materialist thinking, made up of teachers and researchers from the Philosophy Department of the University of Buenos Aires and esearchers from CONICET. Its members are Noelia Billi, Guadalupe Lucero and Paula Fleisner. Their research attempts to generate new ways of a philosophical approach to non-human existence: plants, stones, animals, crystals, and inorganic forces. Colectivo Materia is editor of Cuadernos Materialistas, gives conferences, postgraduate seminars, organizes and participates in national and international colloquia on posthuman materialism in aesthetics, ontology, and politics.


How to Cite

Materia , C. . (2021). Multispecies interruptions and interferences. The redistribution of agency in contemporary artistic practices. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-19.


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