The landscape-prosthesis: Drifts of a feminist in burned territories

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Sofía Menoyo


Look/recognize the environment-landscape as a part of our body-territory: that ours, that body, that territory, that our_body_territory that extends to become landscape.

What surrounds me is landscape, it is my prosthesis, it is part of the body that I inhabit and that inhabits me, that I am… I learn to look at/us: learn to see at/our territory-body, landscape, in community. A new community with other humans, non-humans, environment, landscape. A common doing with others: species, worlds requires learning new ways of links, kinships, alliances.

I walk over burned territories, burned soils in Córdoba over 2020, a feminist comrade from the Isquitipe Forest Brigade guides me, teaches me to recognize what is no longer there, what is lost forever, what is new. The footsteps transform the ground, move the air, my hair gets tangled in the branch, pulls and breaks it. I listen attentively, I look at the spoils of this landscape-territory and its new entity. I think of Brigitte Baptiste (2021) talking about the ecological identities of each territory and which is constantly constructed in the collective conversation. I imagine possible ways of thinking and connecting with nature, with that surrounds us, reducing distances and intensifying the affections and effects that the landscape-territory has on our being_in_the_world.

I make a proposal, a small photo-speaking archive, a living cartography, a polyphonic record of this landscape-territory that inhabits me and that I am, of this prosthesis that I carry.


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How to Cite
Menoyo, S. (2022). The landscape-prosthesis: Drifts of a feminist in burned territories. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-9.
Author Biography

Sofía Menoyo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Sofía Menoyo is a Feminist, Artist, Activist, Teacher, Researcher, Abortion Companion and smoke seller from the City of Río Ceballos, Córdoba, Argentina. Graduated from the Faculty of Arts and PhD student in Anthropological Sciences at UNC. She had a SeCyT-UNC Doctoral scholarship, which has expired. She works as a teacher in Visual Arts at the Faculty of Arts and as a researcher in the Feminism, Gender and Sexualities Area (FemGeS) of the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities in projects such as TELAR: community of Latin American feminist thought. And in the Center for Production and Research in Arts (CePIA) of the Faculty of Arts. She has been part of the feminist artivist collective Hilando las Sierras since 2006 and since 2017 she is part of Socorristas en Red (feminists who abort).

 As a researcher she has participated as a speaker in different Congresses, Symposiums and Conferences, exposing works in relation to Art - politics - feminism - performance. And she has made several publications in magazines and book chapters on her research topic: the relationship between aº º ºº-ºº-º-rte politics and feminism.

As an integral part of the Feminist Activist Collective Hilando las Sierras, she has participated in the realization of meetings, trainings, seminars, conferences and symposiums that think about the relationship between art and culture from a feminist perspective. In addition to artistic productions mainly of the character of public interventions and performance.

She is co-creator and manager of the project of the traveling museum of contemporary art (maaa).

She has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, being selected to participate in the "Salón de Córdoba Patio Olmos Award" in 2013, as well as in Performance Workshops; Artistic Residencies and Performance Festival". Receiving on several occasions distinctions as an artist.

She currently lives in Río Ceballos from where she produces, weaves and dreams of feminist aRtivism for the feminist world she desires.

How to Cite

Menoyo, S. (2022). The landscape-prosthesis: Drifts of a feminist in burned territories. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-9.


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