Speculative Fictions for Post-Human Futures: Paula Gaetano Adi's Robocalyptic Manifesto

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Mariana Olivares
Andrea Torrano


Critical posthumanism has questioned the category of the human by putting in tension the abstract ideal of man (male, white, bourgeois, Western), by rejecting the human exceptionality and the supremacy of the species, and by proposing an assemblage between humans and non-humans, between the organic and the inorganic. Speculative fictions have made it possible to think of alternatives to a racist, classist and heteronormative present and to try out possible worlds that escape both the apocalyptic and the euphoric gaze about the future. In this article we will focus on the visual work Robocapocalyptic Manifesto by Paula Gaetano Adi, which will allow us to inquire about the future from a posthuman consideration, the one that escapes the linear and progressive characterization of modern temporality (capitalist and colonial) in order to approach the future from a multiplicity. Additionally, we will consider the Manifesto as an onto-epistemic liberation and reconstruction project that aims to expand the imagination beyond the heteronormative corset of humanism. This proposal implies, on the one hand, a critique of humanism and anthropocentrism, and, on the other, a recovery of the strategies and policies that envision the creation of a new human and the decolonization of robots


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How to Cite
Olivares, M., & Torrano , A. (2023). Speculative Fictions for Post-Human Futures: Paula Gaetano Adi’s Robocalyptic Manifesto. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-17. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41639
Author Biographies

Mariana Olivares, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. CONICET

Mariana Olivares graduated in 2013 in Visual Arts at the Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. She was awarded a scholarship to pursue her Master's studies at Louisiana State University where she received her M.A. in Hispanic Studies with a concentration in Cultural Studies (2016). As of 2018, she teaches in the Visual Arts career at the National University of San Juan (UNSJ). Currently, she is pursuing graduate studies, with a UNSJ/CONICET co-funded scholarship, in the Doctorate in Arts at the National University of Córdoba; she co-directs the independent project LES, a publishing house on transversal arts and works as an artist and curator. She is a member of the research project SeCyT-Consolidar: Biosubjectivities: Neoliberalism, Control and Resistance",

Andrea Torrano , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CONICET

Andrea Torrano holds a PhD in Philosophy, is a researcher at the Center for Research and Studies on Culture and Society (CONICET) and a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UNC, in the Sociology and Political Science undergraduate programs and in the Master in Technology, Policies and Cultures. She is research coordinator of the Institute of Politics, Society and Social Intervention (IPSIS) of the Faculty of Social Sciences. She directs the SeCyT-Consolidar research project: "Biosubjectivities. Neoliberalism, Control and Resistance". Her topics of interest are biopolitics, monstrosity and technologies from a feminist perspective.

How to Cite

Olivares, M., & Torrano , A. (2023). Speculative Fictions for Post-Human Futures: Paula Gaetano Adi’s Robocalyptic Manifesto. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-17. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41639


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