Mythologies of Cuban revolution: the guerrillera
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The revolutionaries’ narratives Latin-American of XX century reiterate asymmetries of power and acquire patriarchal and religious traditions. Women occupies subaltern places marked for a strong moral imprint. Her biographies draw exemplars lives. I am Interested to read in counterpart two histories of women related with Cuban revolution. They represent two moments from the Cuban project -national and international. In different geographies – Cuba and Bolivia- vinculated to masculine myths- Fidel Castro and El Che. Celia is the “new woman”, Castro’s couple, motherless figure of Revolution. Her body – warrior, ´mother in god or lover- is central in the Cuban revolutionary imaginary. Sickness and death consecrated her enthronization in the revolutionary pantheon. Tamara Bunke (Tania) argentine- germane, educated in soviet world works as intelligence agent in Bolivia and dead in the guerrilla at the same time that Guevara. She demonstrates her loyalty as militant in Cuba then she works as intelligence agent infiltrate in Bolivia. The official history immortalizes his image as warrior in the side of Guevara: She was a foreign in the Cuban revolution nationalist- as the argentine- called stateless. Both cases the popular and institutionalized mythologies hide the truth that appears in the margin- The feminine bodies without brands converts then in the other in the foundational couple- one successful another frustrated- exhibit the contradictory gender position of the revolution.
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How to Cite
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