Desanthropic emancipations: transitions and dissidences inside and outside the body

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Alejandro Vázquez Estrada
Eva Natalia Fernández


The objective of this work is to demonstrate that deconstructing, disarming and reflecting on the category of human, established from an almost universal anthropic principle, it is possible to think of a disanthropic turn that allows us to reconfigure and promote, from the revision of some artistic and visual practices. , other corporalities, identities and enunciative breaks that can encourage other -more respectful- links that challenge and are faithful to the contemporary social and cultural climate.These relationships make possible another type of articulation of man with the planet, of the human with other non-human lives, because it is dislocated from that anthropic centrality that makes it dictate the norm.In the first section, we will present a state of the art about the relationship nature, body, norm and dissidence, in a second section, we will explore the photographic work of Madalena Schwartz "Las metamorfosis" - presented at the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires in collaboration with the Moreira Salles Institute of Brazil - linking it with that hegemonic discourse on the duty of the body and of the human being in a scenario of repression.In a third part, entitled emancipations, we will reflect on some possibilities to promulgate reciprocal social and human consciences that would be possible from the deconstruction and emptying of the idea of the human in contemporary society.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Estrada, A., & Natalia Fernández , E. (2023). Desanthropic emancipations: transitions and dissidences inside and outside the body. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-19.
Author Biographies

Alejandro Vázquez Estrada, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Alejandro Vázquez Estrada is a PhD in multiculturalism, social intervention and inequality, he is a Member of the National System of Researchers (level I), full-time research professor in the Anthropology Area of ​​the Autonomous University of Querétaro. He is the head of research and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of the same university and head of the Interdisciplinary Research Center, UAQ. He has several publications in magazines, books and other electronic media coordinated by different national and international bodies on issues related to indigenous populations, cultural nature, heritage conflicts, urban anthropology, water and power. In recent years he has explored the themes of anthropological research methodology and ethics and interdisciplinary knowledge. In 2020 he was the academic coordinator of the inter-institutional and inter-municipal project for the preparation of the Plan for the safeguarding of the expression declared by UNESCO: Places of memory and living traditions of the Otomí-Chichimeca peoples of Tolimán La Peña de Bernal, guardian of a sacred territory.”His latest book (2021) is titled: Look Inside. Reflections and stories about fieldwork in anthropology, where the ethical and methodological dilemmas of the science of culture are explored. Some of his latest publications are “El cielo en la tierra. Dos horizontes para pensar un futuro desantrópico”, Revista Andamios Vol. 20, N°51, (2023) enero-abril, 


Eva Natalia Fernández , Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Eva Natalia Fernández is a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies on Thought, Culture and Society from the Autonomous University of Querétaro, she is a member of the National System of Researchers (candidate level). She is a free-time research professor in the area of ​​humanities, image production and history, she is the Executive Coordinator of the Research and Graduate Department of the Faculty of Philosophy and head of the Research and Visual Production Laboratory of the Faculty's Interdisciplinary Research Center of Philosophy, UAQ. She has completed a doctoral stay at the University of Paris 8 in the Latin America History and Memory (ALHIM) seminar and has participated in different national and international congresses, seminars and symposiums -in Uruguay, Argentina, Peru, France and Mexico-, as well as she has published articles in national and international indexed journals and book chapters. Her lines of research revolve around cultural studies, visual studies, image theory, and Latin American curatorial studies. She has the distinction of "Professeur invité" pour l’année universitaire 2023-24, Paris 8 University. His latest publications are “El cielo en la tierra. Dos horizontes para pensar un futuro desantrópico”, Revista Andamios Vol. 20, N°51, (2023) enero-abril, and  the Dossier Muséalités en transition : l’ère de la virtualité en Amérique latine, Revista Les Cahiers ALHIM, N° 44, (2023)

How to Cite

Vázquez Estrada, A., & Natalia Fernández , E. (2023). Desanthropic emancipations: transitions and dissidences inside and outside the body. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-19.


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