Political activims and epistemic resistances

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Verónica Andrea González


In this essay I propose to establish a dialogue between the notion of epistemic injustice, based on the homonymous work by Miranda Fricker (2007), together with that of activism and epistemic resistance by José Medina (2018). In particular, I suggest a reading of the elements, scope and dimensioning of one of the types of injustice that the author defines as hermeneutical injustice, keyed to understanding that the existing gap in hermeneutical resources not only has negative epistemic consequences on the speaker (such as subject of knowledge), but also a collective hermeneutic impoverishment.
In order to analyze the epistemic, ethical and political problems that it produces, I will now recover the implications and affectations that hermeneutic injustice produces in socially situated contexts. Here I pay attention, on the one hand, to the theoretical considerations of Donna Haraway (1986, 2004),Gloria Anzaldúa (2016) y val flores (2013) to rethink the complex framework that is woven in the epistemological relationship. And on the other, to the discussions impelled from Trans* Studies towards one of the circuits and practices of specific knowledge production such as academics. For this, I will nourish my reflections with the contributions of Blas Radi (2014; 2020), Mauro Cabral (2013), and Shiobhan Guerrero Mc Manus and Leah Muñoz Contreras (2018).
To reflect on this, I built an analytical scaffolding based on: i) the shared epistemic and agency responsibility of the agents, according to the facilitator model; ii) in the opportunities of epistemic resistance to destabilize oppressive normative structures and the complacent cognitive-affective functioning that sustains it and; iii) in the role of epistemic activism in favor of mitigating epistemic injustices -based on the use of certain collective and supportive resources, tools and skills-, promoting new forms of sensitivity and facilitating social justice (Medina, 2018).


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How to Cite
González, V. A. (2023). Political activims and epistemic resistances. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41665
Author Biography

Verónica Andrea González, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Degree in Social Communication from the National University of Córdoba. Specialist in Public Policy Management and Master in Social Sciences and Humanities, with mention in Political Philosophy, from the National University of Quilmes. She teaches in the Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication and is a researcher at the Center for Research in Journalism and Communication of the School of Communication Sciences of the National University of Córdoba. She directs the research project Formar "Gender and Communication", is responsible for the Media Observatory "Body(s), Territory(s) and Borders" and co-responsible for the Laboratory "Muero Muerta LAB". She is director of the university extension project in contexts of confinement promoted by Equipo Derecho a Pensar en Libertad (Right to Think in Freedom Team). She is a member of the research team Consolidar "Communication and work in the public space", the ImpaCT.AR Science and Technology Project "Public policies and gender in Córdoba", of the National Ministry of Science and Technology; and is co-part of the Inter-Classroom Advisory Council of the Gender and Diversity Program, of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the National University of Córdoba. She is a Doctoral Candidate in Gender Studies at the Center for Advanced Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and a Fellow of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the National University of Córdoba. Currently, with her doctoral thesis entitled "Pretérito imperfecto”: Narratives on the precariousness and resistance of the trans* collective in Córdoba, after the Gender Identity Law (2012-2021), she recovers the actions and political strategies defined by organized activism that improve the situation of real access of this population to the rights to health, education and work enshrined from Law No. 26,743, and to the din of public policies and programs defined and implemented by the local provincial government.

How to Cite

González, V. A. (2023). Political activims and epistemic resistances. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41665


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