Photographic inscriptions: the traces of history on the walls

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Natalia Fortuny


Working on the relationship between images and history, Didi-Huberman asks about those surfaces that have been witnesses and survivors of atrocities, considering them as the crusts of history. Taking up the idea of the image as surface and crust, as something that has been and is the visible layer of something lived, this article analyses two photographic series that use their own photographic surfaces - and the tensions at play on those surfaces - to think about recent history. These are the book Bruma (2017) by Santiago Porter and the serie Naturalezas by María Eugenia Cerutti. Just as the remnants of history on the walls allow us to explore the past to know it, the unfolding of their materiality expresses the memories of a witnessed history.


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How to Cite
Fortuny, N. (2023). Photographic inscriptions: the traces of history on the walls. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-15.
Inscriptions of the catastrophe
Author Biography

Natalia Fortuny, Universidad de Buenos Aires; C0NICET

Natalia Fortuny is a poet, teacher and Conicet researcher. D. in Social Sciences (UBA) and Master in History of Argentine and Latin American Art (IDAES/UNSAM), she coordinates the Group of Studies in Contemporary Photography, Art and Politics (FoCo) of the Gino Germani Research Institute of the UBA. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Buenos Aires and directs PICT and UBACyT research projects. In essays he published the books Arder con lo real. Fotografía contemporánea en la historia y lo político (ArtexArte, 2021), Memorias fotográficas. Imagen y dictadura en la fotografía argentina contemporánea (La Luminosa, 2014) and Instantáneas de la memoria: fotografía y dictadura en Argentina y América Latina (Libraria, 2013, with J. Blejmar and L. García). In poetry he published the books La guerra civil (Tren instantáneo, 2023), Chacarita (Determinado Rumor, 2017) and La construcción (Gog y Magog, 2010), among others. In 2022, together with Jordana Blejmar and Martín Legón, he researched and curated the exhibition Escala 1:43. Juguetes, historia y cultura material en el Parque de la Memoria and the book of the same name, which can be freely downloaded. 

How to Cite

Fortuny, N. (2023). Photographic inscriptions: the traces of history on the walls. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-15.


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