Collective housing as a response to urban transformations. Approaches from three proposals for residential spaces

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Silvina de Lourdes Barraud
Natalia Colombano


Collective housing originates associated with urban needs, and has evolved according to the transformations of cities. Currently fifty-six percent of the world population is urban andit is assumed that this trend will continue to grow, and by 2050 the percentage will rise to seventy percent. On the other hand, the right to housing is recognized in national constitutions, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The aforementioned urban population increase impacts the requirement for collective housing, as well as the context in which they are deployed. Density increases and there is friction due to proximity, while dynamics and subjective needs change. That is why its generation based on an approach that weights the contextual variables in the highest degree of interrelation possible is considered prevailing, so that each proposal can be woven dialogically with its environment. Regarding the particular situation in Argentina, although since the 19th century some aspects of hygiene have been applied to solve the problem of habitability, particularly in Buenos Aires, this only deepened in the following century. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that from the mid-twentieth century, the National
Constitution incorporates the right to adequate housing, but even so, there is evidence of a housing deficit, which is expressed both quantitatively and qualitatively, and although a considerable percentage of the population has with homes, these require improvements, adaptations and repairs to guarantee decent habitability. It is imperative then, the proper use of resources and the implementation of project processes that consider the insertion context and habitability variables. This article proposes a critical reading of these interrelated variables, based on the comparison of contemporary Argentine collective housing. 


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How to Cite
Barraud, S. de L., & Colombano, N. (2023). Collective housing as a response to urban transformations. Approaches from three proposals for residential spaces. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-20.
Author Biographies

Silvina de Lourdes Barraud, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Facultad de Arquitectura

Silvina Barraud is an architect and holds an M.A. in architectural and urban design by the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design. National University of Córdoba. Doctor in Architecture by the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, University of Mendoza. Fellow of the Secretariat of Science and Technology UNC (2010) and graduate fellowship program at the Catholic University of Cordoba. Assistant professor in charge of the chair of Introduction to the Problems of Design and its Expression. Adjunct professor of Morphology 2 B at Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, National University of Córdoba. Professor of Morphology at the Faculty of Architecture of the Catholic University of Córdoba. Professor of research methodology and applied research at the Provincial University of Córdoba. Researcher category III. Evaluator of research projects. Co-director of SECYT research project and Director of UCC research project. Director of Postgraduate Final Works. Lecturer in congresses, seminars and conferences. Author and co-author of books and articles in numerous publications.


Natalia Colombano, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Facultad de Arquitectura

Natalia Colombano is an architect from the Faculty of Architecture, Catholic University of Córdoba. Master in Sustainable Urban Environments Programming, University of Ferrara, Italy. Postgraduate scholarship program fellow, Catholic University of Cordoba, (2006 - 2010). Professor of Project 1 of Territorial and Community Linking Practice and Sustainable Environments, DIN Provincial University of Cordoba. Professor of Morphology 2B, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, National University of Córdoba. Professor of Urban Design 1, Faculty of Architecture, Catholic University of Córdoba. Member of the Master's Thesis Jury, UCC and Teaching Regularization Competitions of the Degree in Design, Universidad Provincial de Córdoba. Lecturer and speaker at conferences and workshops. Co-author of books and scientific articles. Research Member in the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, National University of Córdoba and Faculty of Architecture, Catholic University of Córdoba. BIAAR Award 2016 "Academic Practices", Catholic University of Córdoba.


How to Cite

Barraud, S. de L., & Colombano, N. (2023). Collective housing as a response to urban transformations. Approaches from three proposals for residential spaces. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-20.


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