El Dorado: founding myth, colonial enterprise and imaginary geography. Critical Views on Contemporary Works and Artists from Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Yolanda Wood Pujols


Rethinking the foundational myths, imaginary geographies and their visions of America, enhances El Dorado as a central axis for this study. However, although the powers established made it a source that unleashed the desire for appropriation of the territory and gave golden glow to the desire for expansion and domination of the colonial enterprise with its tireless pursuit of extractivist interests; it is fundamental in this analysis to appreciate the permeability of these genetic symbols towards the critical gaze of artists from Latin America and the Caribbean who revisit that contradictory modern colonial universe, and the very idea of El Dorado, with the interest of discussing other forms of its existence from the critical perspectives of contemporary extractivism. The greed for gold that inhabited after colonial operations has had significant implications and perceptions in his works. It is therefore interesting to reveal the importance of El Dorado as a reference in early colonial times and in the following ones to distinguish it as one of the great American foundational utopias, and to analyze its permanence in time when gold traced the paths of penetration into the territory and the acts of possession, to demonstrate its mode of existence in the gaze of contemporary artists from Latin America and the Caribbean as a critical and decolonial revisitation. A methodology of analysis would be followed based on documentary and visual sources and a selective catalog of works and authors, which propose to reflect on the ways of reactivating these founding imaginaries to make a contribution to the fields of art and visual culture by integrating in an interdisciplinary way issues as vital in our days as the image, the imaginaries, the environmental and social impacts, as well as their devastating effects on the individual and nature.


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How to Cite
Wood Pujols, Y. (2024). El Dorado: founding myth, colonial enterprise and imaginary geography. Critical Views on Contemporary Works and Artists from Latin America and the Caribbean. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-19. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47509
Author Biography

Yolanda Wood Pujols, Universidad de La Habana

PhD in Art Sciences. Professor of Art History at the University of Havana, where she joined in 1974. In 1985 he founded the Chair of Caribbean Art History and introduced these studies in a curricular way in the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Art History. She has been a visiting professor at UNAM for the Postgraduate Program in Art History and for the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, at the Universidad Anáhuac and at the University of Río Piedras in Puerto Rico. She is a Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana, and at the Center for Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean, in undergraduate and graduate studies. Linked to these studies, he directs theses at different levels and research groups and has published books and specialized articles.

The lines of her scientific work are visual and cultural studies in the Caribbean. Among his recent books are: Contemporaries. Artists of the insular Caribbean (Ed. Félix Varela, 2023); Caribbean: visual universe (Editorial Félix Valera, 2017); Caribbean Islands: Nature-Art-Society (Editorial UH and CLACSO, 2012). Essays and articles: "Barbara Prézeau, the art of the four elements in the Atlantic circle". Haiti at the crucial hour. CIALC, UNAM, 2022; "Time, concept and history: two monuments, in Puerto Rico and Cuba, at the end of the twentieth century" Tábula Rasa, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca no. 44, 2022 https://www.revistatabularasa.org/numero44/  ; "From the Third Space: Art and Caribbean Diasporas in the 21st Century" Atlantica. Revista de Arte y Pensamiento. Atlantic Center of Modern Art. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. No. 4 2022.

She has received scholarships from the Institute of Aesthetic Research of the UNAM (Mexico. 1982), Georgetown University (English Guyana, 1984), the Archive of the Indies (Seville, 1986), the Center for Puerto Rican Studies (CUNY. New York, 1995), José Martí Extraordinary Chair (CIALC-UNAM 2014-2015) and Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, UNAM (2018). She has been a lecturer at numerous academic institutions in America and Europe, and has taken part in events in his specialty systematically. She provided advice to the Minister of Culture of Haiti on issues of artistic education, was Cultural Advisor of Cuba in France (2001-2006) and Director of the Center for Caribbean Studies of Casa de las Américas (2006-2016). She was a member of the Scientific Council for Volume IX of UNESCO's History of Africa. She is part of the Cuban Chapter of the International Association of Art Critics. She has the Distinction for Cuban Education and Culture. She received the Asdi-Senior Scholarship from CLACSO (2009), the National Prize for Artistic and Literary Criticism (2013 and 2018), and the Cuban Academy of Sciences (2019). She was awarded the Medal of the Order of the Knight of Arts and Letters of the French Republic (2017)

How to Cite

Wood Pujols, Y. (2024). El Dorado: founding myth, colonial enterprise and imaginary geography. Critical Views on Contemporary Works and Artists from Latin America and the Caribbean. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-19. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/47509


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