The shape of trance: the Patagonian landscape as a mirage

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Maia Gattás Vargas


In this paper we start from thinking of the Patagonian territory as a space shaped by colonial myths, some examples of which are the denominations of: ‘desert’, ‘promised land’, ‘earthly paradise’, or the ‘Argentinean and Chilean Swiss’. Within this framework, the video installation Historia de un desengaño (2003) by Francis Alÿs, condenses different problems around the imaginaries of the Patagonian territory. This looping film can be considered, from Groys' (2014) perspective, as a work of time based art, that is to say, an art that thematises lost time, unproductive time, repetition and, in this way, invites us to engage with time, to collaborate with it.


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How to Cite
Gattás Vargas, M. (2024). The shape of trance: the Patagonian landscape as a mirage. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-15.
Author Biography

Maia Gattás Vargas, Instituto CITECDE-UNRN; CONICET y Universidad de Buenos Aires

Maia Gattás Vargas (1986) is a visual and audiovisual artist, university teacher and researcher.

PhD in Arts. Line of training in Latin American Contemporary Art (UNLP).

She has a degree in Communication Sciences and is a teacher in secondary and tertiary education (UBA).

She works as a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET at the CITECDE Institute in Bariloche and teaches Media and Cultural Theories in the Publishing degree (UBA) and the Research and Production Workshop II in the PhD in Art and Visual Culture (UNR).

She has taught postgraduate seminars with Irene Depetris Chauvin at the National University of Córdoba, the University of Buenos Aires and the National University of La Plata.

She has published several articles in academic journals: Comparative Cinema (Esp) Revista Aisthesis (Ch), Imagofagia (Ar), Chasqui (Ecua) and Claves (Ur), among others.

She has been awarded several grants and prizes: in 2024 she was awarded the residency for research at Medialab, Matadero (Madrid); in 2020 she was awarded a post-doctoral residency at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp); in 2019 she received a grant to study at the Film Programme of the Universidad Di Tella; that same year she won the prize of the Bienal de Arte Joven de Buenos Aires, 2019, to travel to the artistic residency Casa Tres Patios in Medellín, Colombia.

She has published the book Diario de exploración al territorio del color. Editorial Biblioteca Popular Astra, Imai collection, Contemporary Art, Comodoro, Argentina, 2021.
In 2023 he released his first feature-length documentary Viento del Este which won Best Film (Festifreak Festival and Cordoba Film Festival) and the ‘Original Approach’ award at Jihlava IDFF (Czech Republic).


How to Cite

Gattás Vargas, M. (2024). The shape of trance: the Patagonian landscape as a mirage. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-15.


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