EMBRAPII: Promoting university-industry interaction and industrial technological innovation in Brazil


  • Jorge Guimarães Diretor-Presidente da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial –EMBRAPII




Technological Development, Industrial Open Innovation, Non-Reimbursable Financing.


The article discusses the development of science and technology in Brazil, characterized by a sharp contrast between scientific development and the evolution of technological innovation, a common situation in Latin American countries, where the vast majority of industries do not have R&D centers and do not practice open innovation. In Brazil, the challenge has been faced by the Brazilian Industrial Research and Innovation Company (EMBRAPII), a private institution conceived in 2013 and recognized as a Social Organization (OS) by the Federal Government, with which it maintains commitments through a Management Agreement, with the mission of apply official resources, sharing risks and costs in the development of companies' projects. Research groups from universities and other institutions are accredited constituting EMBRAPII Units (UEs), authorized to sign RD&I contracts with companies. There are currently 76 UEs with around 6,000 researchers, developing 1,560 projects, contracted by 1,081 companies for a total of R$ 2.14 billion applied, of which 49.1% comes from companies, 32.7% non-refundable resources from EMBRAPII and 18 .2% of the economic contribution of the EUs. The rapid evolution of the model was due to the characteristics of agility, flexibility and lack of bureaucracy, as well as the availability of highly qualified research groups in the UEs and the decision to share risks and co-financing projects. The trust and adhesion of companies are facilitated by the condition of a Social Organization whose mission is to promote the competitiveness of companies by supporting industrial innovation in Brazil. Also noteworthy is the development of projects by Brazilian companies in international cooperation with companies and agencies from several countries, opening up possibilities for joint action to be explored within the MERCOSUR space.


Author Biography

  • Jorge Guimarães , Diretor-Presidente da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial –EMBRAPII

    Diretor-Presidente da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial–EMBRAPII (2015-atual). Graduado em Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; Doutorado em Bioquímica, Escola Paulista de Medicina-UNIFESP;  Pós-Doutorado, National Institutes of Health (NIH), EUA. Atuou como Professor em diversas universidades brasileiras, sendo Professor Emérito da UFRJ, da UFRRJ, da UFF, da UFRGS e Doutor Honoris Causa da Universidade de Nottingham (UK), da USP e de diversas outras universidades brasileiras. Exerceu por dois períodos a Presidência da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular. Publicou cerca de 170 artigos científicos sobre enzimas proteolíticas e peptídeos que interferem no processo  da coagulação, da hemostasia e da trombose. Formou mais de 30 mestres e doutores. Foi Diretor Binacional do Centro Brasil-Argentina de Biotecnologia (1997-1999); Diretor do CNPq (1990-1994;  Secretário da SETEC/MCT 2003; Presidente da CTNBio (2003-2005) e Presidente da CAPES (2004-2015). Recebeu honrarias, homenagens e prêmios de diversas instituições e as Medalhas do Mérito Científico dos Governos da Argentina e da França e a Grã-Cruz da Ordem do Mérito Científico do Governo Brasileiro. É Pesquisador Sênior do CNPq e Membro Titular da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 


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How to Cite

EMBRAPII: Promoting university-industry interaction and industrial technological innovation in Brazil. (2022). Integración Y Conocimiento, 11(2), 62-73. https://doi.org/10.61203/2347-0658.v11.n2.38432

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