Article evaluation process

The receipt of the article will be acknowledged from the Technical-Operational Unit of the Nucleus of Studies and Research in Higher Education and a first editorial evaluation will be carried out by the Editorial Board consisting of considering: the adaptation to the thematic field and the interest of the article depending on of the established criteria, and the fulfillment of the formal presentation requirements demanded in the publication norms. The receipt of the article does not imply its acceptance.

Peer review system
The article will be sent for evaluation to two expert reviewers, confidentially and anonymously, following the so-called “double blind” methodology. These reviewers will formulate a report on the recommendation or not of its publication. The evaluation possibilities are 3:

approved with modifications

All of them must be substantiated. In the case of dissimilar judgments between the two evaluators, the work will be sent to a third evaluator. The authors will receive the evaluation reports from the reviewers, anonymously, so that they can make (if necessary) the appropriate adjustments. The revised work that is considered can be published conditioned to the inclusion of modifications, it must be corrected and returned within a maximum period of one month, whether minor or major corrections are requested. If necessary, the new version will be sent again to external reviewers, a procedure that will be followed until its final acceptance.

Publishing process
Once the evaluation process is finished (which lasts approximately 3 months), the notification of acceptance or rejection for publication will be sent to the main author of the work.