Good Living: The Political Dimension of Full Life


  • Verónica Renata López Nájera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Good Living, decolonization, Suma Qamaña, Sumak Kawsay


In this article we propose to explore the concept of Good Living from different meanings. From indigenous intellectuals to academics or state policies such as those held by the governments of Andean countries like Bolivia and Ecuador. We propose to think Good Living not as an alternative development program within the framework of the capitalist system, but as a form of social political relationship that takes up the principles of reciprocity and complementarity as guiding axes of life in society.


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Author Biography

  • Verónica Renata López Nájera, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
    Dra. en Estudios Latinoamericanos, Profesora-Investigadora del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos (CELA), Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM




How to Cite

Good Living: The Political Dimension of Full Life. (2016). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 5(10), 21-35.