Sexogenic identities, cosmovision and communality in the "dance of the mascaritas" of Santa María Huazolotitlán, Oaxaca, Mexico


  • Óscar González Gómez Investigador Huésped CIESAS, D.F.


sex/gender identities, gender, sexuality


The article analizes the socio-historical meanings concerning the relation between gender and sex and its re-actualization in the town of Santa María Huazolotitlán, Oaxaca, Mexico. Especially, it is being tryed to comprehend why homosexual identities among men have been expressed through the embodyment of feminine characters in a ñuu savi (mixtec) dance over the past few years. The aim of this investigation leads to question how these processes are being configured in webs of communal meaning and add up knowledge for practices towards the descolonization of "Nuestra America".


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Author Biography

  • Óscar González Gómez, Investigador Huésped CIESAS, D.F.
    Doctor en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Becario del Programa de estancias Posdoctorales de la Coordinación de Humanidades de la UNAM en el CIALC (Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe).




How to Cite

Sexogenic identities, cosmovision and communality in the "dance of the mascaritas" of Santa María Huazolotitlán, Oaxaca, Mexico. (2016). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 5(10), 209-233.