Pensamiento del entre-lugar y pensamiento fronterizo: (des)articulaciones y emergencias en el espacio latinoamericano


  • Carlos Aguirre Aguirre Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.


in-between, linde, border thinking.


In this paper we reflect about the articulation and the forms of understanding that the notion in-between of the postcolonial theorist Homi Bhabha hat had in different critical proposals of the intellectual thought of our region. Reflecting this involves an essay of shared reading - an exchange of words - between various enunciative supports that have seen in the concept of in- between a vital figure to re-define the readings about and from Latin America, but also, a figure that admits a journey between different perspectives that are not exclusively linked with postcolonial criticism and epistemological "forms" called decolonial. At first, we will explore how in Bhabha's reflections this category is useful to think about the epistemological constraints of the stabilized dichotomies by Western tought "Identity and Alterity", "Same and Other", "Center and Periphery". Then, we discuss the usefulness of this notion in Nelly Richard's reflections, fundamentally in those referring to the relation between the orders of aesthetics and culture in Latin America. Later, we will see how the notion of in-between is critically re-signified in the Eduardo Gruner's reflextions on the Haitian Revolution and the emergence of a critical "peripheral" theory with the idea of linde. We end our work discussing why Walter Mignolo's notion of border thinking enables a reflection on the existence of Latin American and Caribbean subaltern epistemologies that open possible intermediate or frontier spaces of critical enunciation.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Aguirre Aguirre, Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.

    Becario doctoral - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas -(CONICET)- Instituto de Filosofía - Universidad Nacional de San Juan - Argentina (IDEF – UNSJ).

    Magister © en Estudios Latinoamericanos - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo- Mendoza – Argentina (UNCuyo).

    Licenciado en Comunicación Social – Universidad de Playa Ancha – Chile (UPLA).




How to Cite

Pensamiento del entre-lugar y pensamiento fronterizo: (des)articulaciones y emergencias en el espacio latinoamericano. (2017). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 6(11), 69-93.