The territory as an educational space: ethnographies with bilingual teachers and traditional Guaraní and Chané doctors.



territory, indigenous epistemologies, own pedagogies, ethnographies of education


In this article, the process of construction of the territory as an educational space will be described and analyzed through the action research work that will be carried out with the bilingual teachers and traditional Guaraní-Chané physicians of northern Argentina, these new actors who challenge the rules of the intercultural education.


In the first place, an ethnohistorical reference will be made about the Guaraní people in the Bolivian south and in the north of Argentina, and then analyze the Continental Guaraní Map that shows the presence of this cross-border town in South America. Below is the relationship established between the territory and intercultural education, and how it plays in the training of both professionals (teachers and doctors). Secondly, the experience of the Ñande Reko (our way of living), the primary school curriculum that the Guaraní and Chané teachers have carried out from a participative and collaborative work among them, the Bilingual Intercultural Education Modality (Salta) and the accompaniment of the University of Salta. The other experience described is that of the Ñana Moa Reta Nursery of medicinal plants (diversity of medicines from the territory) where traditional teachers and doctors begin to weave a network of relationships and pedagogies from their own epistemology, where the territory is more than one.


Finally, it reflects on both experiences, highlighting that collaborative work considers the territory as an informal space for the transmission of traditional knowledge and knowledge, that is, as a space for the development of one's own education, and as a banner in the fight for land titles.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Eugenia Flores, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Salta (ICSOH-CONICET-UNSa)
    Profesora Etnografia Americana, Escuela de Antropologia, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Salta.


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How to Cite

The territory as an educational space: ethnographies with bilingual teachers and traditional Guaraní and Chané doctors. (2020). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 9(17).