Paulo Freire

Pedagogue of the Third World


  • Facundo Joaquín Ferreirós Universidad Nacional de Luján


Paulo Freire, Liberation Pedagogy, Third World, New Latin American Left


In this article we propose to investigate the relationship between the work and praxis of Paulo Freire and the Third World as a concept, as an imaginary and as a project. To this end, we will try to analyze the intellectual and militant context of the period in which Freire published his most representative texts, in order to give an account of the way in which the idea of the Third World became central to his proposal, as well as the role that Freire himself played as a pedagogue committed to his time in the unfolding of that idea.


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How to Cite

Paulo Freire: Pedagogue of the Third World. (2020). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 9(18).