The Indian revolution begins in the kitchen


  • Valeria Duran Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


indianism, indian political thought, indian women


Hilda Reinaga is an Indian thinker, a woman who made a decisive contribution to the development of Indianist thought in the 20th and 21st centuries in Bolivia. This work is not his first text, although it is perhaps his most important. In My arrival at the house of the amauta, the author recovers previous writings in which she reviews the works of the Indian intellectual Fausto Reinaga (1906-1994) and enriches them by offering her perspective on the production context of each of them. But, in addition, she intertwines them with the novel story of her experience as an Indian woman, intellectual companion of her uncle and protagonist of one of the most relevant collective experiences of Indian-indigenous politicization of the last 50 years in that country. In that composition, he also reveals the social, economic, and political vicissitudes of Indian life in contemporary rurality and urbanity. Thus, the personal account also shows the structural conditions of racist domination against which the author has fought since her youth.


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Reinaga Gordillo, H. (2021). Mi llegada a la casa del amauta. La Paz: La Mirada Salvaje.




How to Cite

The Indian revolution begins in the kitchen. (2022). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 11(21), 162-183.