Clinical, biochemical and histopatological correlación in diabetic patients with periodontal disease.


  • Agustín A Villa Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


diabetes, periodontal disease, microangiopathies, scaling and root planing


Introduccion.- The aim of this paper was to study the clinical, biochemical and histopathological correlation caused by scaling and root planning in diabetic patients wiffi periodontal disease. Material and Methods.- The study was conducted on 80 patients, both males and females, (age 25-60 years). Fourty patients had type 1 and type 2 diabetes, while 40 were non-diabetic patients. According to the medical examination, the subjects including lo the study were wellcompensated. After studying the periodontal field, patients with real pockets measuring 5 mm or less were selected. Laboratory Criteria.- The subjects were considered to be diabetic when their basal glycemia was equal to or aboye 140 mg/dl, and the HhA1C equal to or aboye 8%. Patients whose glycemia was beiow 115 mgI di, and their HhA1C helow 8 % were considered to be non-diahetic. Free and inserted biopsies of the gingiva were done after the administration of 2 g of anioxicilin. Scaling and planing of all the teeth was carried out aoci periodontal protection was placed. Supervised dental sessions were heid weekly. Clínica¡ and biochemlcal criteria for selection were used again at 40 days and at 120 days. Biopsies viere done and analyzed microscopically.

Results.- At 40 days and mainly at 120 days it was found thai in 90 % of the selected patients glycemia values haci decreased. In 70 % of the cases studied HbA1C values were stable and the chinical signs of the periodontal disease were reversed in 80 % of the subjects. Histological analysis at time O revelead mononuclear infiltrate, congestion and proliferation of the middle Iayer of the vessels when compared with non-diabetie values with deposits of PAS + material. At 40 days and at 120 days there was also a decreased of infiltrate and of the deposits PAS + on the wall of the small vessels.

Conclusión.- Scaling and planning is proposecl as an effective method to reverse glycemic values, 1-IbA 1 C, gingival microangiopathies and clinical signs in cliabetic patients with periodontal disease.


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How to Cite

Clinical, biochemical and histopatological correlación in diabetic patients with periodontal disease. . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Oct. 25];63(2):50-5. Available from:

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