Producction, flowers, horticulture, decade, greenhouse, Horticulture, education, indicators, sustainabilityAbstract
Agroecology proposes the design and management of more sustainable agroecosystems, promoting an alternative vision of rural development, which includes ecological, social, economic and political aspects. Under this productive paradigm, a research project was presented within the framework of the PROIINDIT₁ program with two lines of work, one technical-productive and the other socio-institutional. For this, an agroecological experimental and demonstrative area was devised in the Campo Escuela of the FCA-UNC that will allow evaluating sustainability through the MESMIS₂ methodology. This project, prepared and executed by a team of teachers, students and researchers from FCA-UNC and INTI, is in full implementation. The first actions involved the design and installation of the agroecological infrastructure, and sustainability indicators were defined and measured to monitor over time. Then, experimental and demonstrative trials of various crops under bio-input treatments were installed. Currently, socio-institutional indicators are being designed to assess the impact of the demonstration area on high school students and fruit and vegetable producers. From the data collected during the course of the project and around both axes of work, academic products will be prepared to be presented in different dissemination instances.References
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luciano Locati, L. Estigarribia, J. Herrero, H. Vaccarello, L. Suez, D. Cabrol, J. Molina, J. Quinteros
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