Sensory analysis and determination of shelf life of "Baby Leaf" arugula obtained in hydroponic production
erica sativa, hydroponic, postharvest, containerAbstract
Arugula (Eruca sativa) can be harvested at the baby leaf stage, with leaves 8-
12 cm long, ideal for growing in floating root hydroponic systems and
incorporating Bacillus subtilis to improve growth. Its postharvest shelf life
depends on several factors, but can be extended through the use of packaging.
The objective was to carry out a sensory analysis and determine the shelf life of
arugula produced with Bacillus subtilis and stored in two types of containers.
Photographs of the packaged arugula were taken over a period of 9 days, to
carry out a visual evaluation of quality using a panel of evaluators. The arugula
harvested on day 0 presented excellent appearance, uniform color and absence
of dehydration. The plants with nutrient solution and addition of Bacillus subtilis
5 days after sowing showed less damage, maintaining commercial quality for 9
days. In relation to packaging, polyethylene trays obtained better ratings and
achieved an optimal shelf life of 5 days for all treatments, while in polypropylene
bags the shelf life was only 3 days.
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