Some clarifications on the difference between emergency, subjective urgency and subjective suffering.
emergency, subjective urgency, subjective suffering, lacanian psychoanalisysAbstract
In this work, part of the Research Team of the Psychological Assistance Service of the Chair of Psychopathology 2, belonging to the Faculty of Psychology, UNC, propose to explore and define conceptual categories that are often used as synonyms, these are emergency, subjective urgency and subjective suffering. What is called subjective urgency? Is it different from an emergency? Is it a type of subjective suffering? These are questions that call us to study from the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis. Especially in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we consider that the differentiation of these concepts guides us in professional practice. It is a qualitative, exploratory methodology. It is with this theoretical overview that we arrive at two conclusions: the first corresponds to the differentiation between emergency and subjective urgency, since they correspond to different discourses. And secondly, subjective urgency is specified as a type of subjective suffering, anguish being a precise clinical indicator.
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