Of intemperance and the iron law (research notes)


  • Emilio Vaschetto Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


father's name, communities of enjoymen, marginal subjectivities


In the present work we address the phenomenon of "evaporation" of the father in whose scars the effects of a branched segregation can be found in a time in which another that does not exist has permeated, disappeared, its dominance was diluted to give way to: an Other that exists. The clinical problem that this entails is, in some way, the effort to try to detach, to detach from this time the practical consequences in the approach with subjects where the effects of this paternal resignation can be verified. This panorama leads us to ask ourselves, what status does psychic suffering have today? And in this sense we return to Lacan's perspective from Seminar 21: being named for, the social knot and the iron order imposed by maternal desire allows us theoretical approaches to understand subjects that, without suffering the clinical effects of foreclosure, however they suffer a vital catastrophe.


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Author Biography

  • Emilio Vaschetto, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

    Doctor of Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires. Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, member of the EOL and the WAP. Writer


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How to Cite

Of intemperance and the iron law (research notes). (2021). Pathos, 3, 21-32. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pathos/article/view/36181