Patriarchy and the drive to sacrifice


  • Osvaldo Osvaldo Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina


Patriarchy, joy, sacrifice


In the present work an aspect of patriarchy is developed in relation to the sacrifice of the father, and the effects that can be read in the symptom and in the phantom. The work is supported by biblical accounts that describe the offerings of Christ and Isaac that reveal the joy of God, in the act of sacrifice, as one of the forms that truth can take. At present, contemporary neoliberalism adopts this sacrificial figure in the figure of the dark gods in which the enjoyment of hatred deepens, who wishes that the hated object does not exist. Therefore, the offering to these gods implies a voluntary servitude, which translates into the push to sacrifice; In this sense, instead of referring to a fall of the patriarchy, we are facing one of its forms of cruelty.


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Author Biography

  • Osvaldo Osvaldo, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Argentina

    D. in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Analyst member of the School of Lacanian Orientation and the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Writer


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How to Cite

Patriarchy and the drive to sacrifice. (2021). Pathos, 3, 14-20.