¿phantasy or fantasme? More than just a translation problem


  • Diego García Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) - Argentina


fantasy, phantasm, translation, psychoanalysis, concepts


The "fantasy" in Freud's work, as well as what is known as "phantasm" in Lacan's teaching, maintain complex relationships that even today deserve to be analyzed and put into tension. One and the other are either assimilated as identical concepts, or sharply distinguished by those who see there a separation between Freud and Lacan. Fantasy and phantasm constitute, therefore, a problematic knot, which transcends the question of its translation. Furthermore, as this paper tries to show, translation itself is problematic as an operation (not only at the level of theory, but also at the level of analytical practice). Following, at this point, Jean Allouch's proposal of a new ternary for psychoanalysis (translation, transcription, transliteration) we arrive at certain conclusions about the difficulties involved in translation, of the term fantasme in particular, of the psychoanalytic concepts in general.


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Author Biography

  • Diego García, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) - Argentina

    Psicoanalista. Docente-Investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) y en el Instituto Universitario Italiano de Rosario (IUNIR). Miembro de la École Lacanienne de Psychanalyse (París, Francia). Director del Departamento de Historia y Epistemología (Fac. de Psic., UNR). Miembro del Centro de Estudios en Psicoanálisis, Lógica y Topología (Fac. de Psic., UNR) y Miembro del Comité de redacción de artefactos (Revista de la ELP).  

    identificador Orcid: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-8932-9673


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How to Cite

¿phantasy or fantasme? More than just a translation problem. (2023). Pathos, 5, 76-82. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pathos/article/view/43279