Review of El concepto de amor en Arendt by A. Campillo. Madrid, Abada editores, 2019, 145 pp.


  • Ari Costamagna Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


amor mundi, plurality, world, tradition


There is a hidden thread that runs through Arendt's work, that can be discovered from the affective register of love. According to the main thesis of Campillo's book, El concepto de amor en Arendt, there we find the center of gravity that articulates the German philosopher's philosophical thought and political theory. Campillo's analysis begins with the early Arendtian works, The Concept of Love in St. Augustine and Rahel Varnhagen, moving through The Human Condition, where love appears as an anti-political force and in tension with natality, and arrives at The Life of the Mind, where love only appears explicitly in relation to the Augustinian will. One of the most present sources, and central to Campillo's analysis, is the Denktagebuch, which serves as a guide to detect the counterpoints between the "love of the world" and the "love without the world" that underlie the "Arendtian phenomenology of love."


Arendt, H. (2001). El concepto de amor en San Agustín. Encuentro.

------------- (2016). La condición humana. Paidós.

------------- (2018). La vida del espíritu. Paidós.

------------- (2006). Diario filosófico. Herder.

------------ (2000). Rahel Varnhagen. La Vida de una Mujer Judía. Editorial Lumen.

Campillo, A. (2019). El concepto de amor en Arendt. Abada editores.




How to Cite

Review of El concepto de amor en Arendt by A. Campillo. Madrid, Abada editores, 2019, 145 pp. (2022). Pescadora De Perlas. Revista De Estudios Arendtianos, 1(1), 263-267.