Empathy, intuition and cognition in the therapeutic process of older adults
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normal aging

How to Cite

Empathy, intuition and cognition in the therapeutic process of older adults. (2022). Pinelatinoamericana, 2(3), 194-202. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/pinelatam/article/view/39248


The changes that occur in individuals during physiological aging are a well-known and experienced reality. However, when assisting the elderly, the intervening parties are usually involved in this situation, without fully considering the expected and unique modifications of each subject.

Empathy, intuition and cognition are three closely related factors, although they present differentiated neuronal circuits in which changes occur throughout life. Knowing the changes that occur over the years will allow establishing adequate communication and better therapeutic bonds. Subsequently, it will be necessary to investigate the way in which each person processes these modifications, giving rise to their own characteristics and the consequent therapeutic approach.

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