Manuscript evaluation criteria

The peer review is carried out according to the single-blind criterion, the evaluators know the names of the authors, but not each other. Manuscripts must include the name of all authors, their main institutional affiliation, a contact email and ORCID if they have one.

The original and unpublished articles sent for consideration for publication will be reviewed in the first instance by the Editor and members of the Editorial Team in order to determine if they meet the objectives of the Pinelatinoamerica Magazine, and if the writing, length and other aspects respect the “ Author Guidelines”. If not, and without implying any evaluation of the article itself, it will be returned to the author(s) to correct any deficiencies that are pointed out, requesting its subsequent shipment.

Once this stage has been satisfactorily completed, a formal note of receipt of the manuscript will be sent, and they will be submitted to arbitration by two anonymous peer evaluators and in case of discrepancies regarding their opinion, a third evaluation may be requested. The Peer Evaluators will take into account the originality and current interest of the topic, level of updating of the bibliography, compliance with the proposed objectives, agreement of conclusions and recommendations with the title and purposes of the same. Each evaluator will submit their comments and recommendations to the Editor (see MS Evaluation Table). The final decision will be made by the Editorial Committee and Editor-in-Chief.

Upon completion of the evaluation, the author(s) will receive the following communication within 90 days from the date of formal receipt: accepted; accepted with a request for minor changes, rejected but with the option of major changes (mandatory to be corrected for reconsideration), rejected without option to resubmit. In the last three situations, the detailed report of the anonymous evaluators, signed by the Editor-in-Chief, will be sent to the main author.