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Author Guidelines

Submission of papers:

Papers will be received through the Open Journal System (OJS). To do so, authors must register on the page as authors and follow the instructions for uploading their texts. We recommend you to watch the tutorial which details all the steps to follow.

It should be noted that, as can be seen in the video tutorial, the body of the text will be shared in the file to be uploaded, while the abstract, keywords and bibliographical references (listed as citations) are completed separately on the platform.

General guidelines for acceptance or rejection of submissions:
All productions are, in the first instance, put forward for consideration by the Editorial Team. The Editorial Team follows specific criteria for the review, acceptance and rejection of Tributes and Interviews. Productions of Knowledge from the Arts are also analysed and submitted for open peer review.
In the case of Articles for the Dossier, Free Articles, Incipient Research, Essays, Collective Writings, Translations and Reviews, once they are accepted by the Editorial Team, the double-blind process of peer review by specialists in the specific subject of each production begins.
If accepted by both reviews, the production is accepted for publication. If it is rejected by both reviews, the production is not published. In the case of acceptance by one of the reviews and rejection by the other, the production is sent for evaluation to a third party specialist. If it is accepted with modifications, the suggestions are sent to the person who produced it, to be reviewed again once it has been resubmitted with the modifications made. If the suggestions are considered to have been incorporated, the production is accepted for publication.

Manuscripts and productions submitted to ALL sections of the journal should respect this format, taking into account the particularities indicated in the description of each section.
Page size: A4
Margins: top, bottom, right and left: 3 cm.
Font: Times New Roman
Size: 12 for main text (including quotations); 10 for footnotes.
Spacing: single line spacing throughout (including footnotes and bibliography).
No headers or footers.

For the Thematic Dossier, Free Articles, Essays and Incipient Research sections, the length may be between 7000 and 10000 words.
For the Reviews section, the length may be between 1000 and 3000 words.
For the other sections, there are no pre-established length guidelines.

For more information on the presentation of the text, go to the document "Presentation Guidelines for Authors".

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • If the text includes images or audiovisual materials, ensure that they meet the requirements set out in the Guidelines for authors.
  • In order to guarantee anonymity of authorship, articles should be prepared for electronic submission as follows: a) Omit your name and institution from the title page and footnotes. b) Delete any personal information that may inadvertently identify you: any references to your own texts and/or activities, acknowledgements to colleagues, institutional affiliations, etc.
  • We recommend the non-sexist use of language.
  • The text submitted must respect the following format: A4 sheet; 3cm top, bottom, left and right margins; justified text; single line spacing throughout; Times New Roman font size 12 for main text and 10 for footnotes. For further details on formatting and citations, please refer to Presentation guidelines for authors.

Thematic Dossier

In this section we receive manuscripts and productions directly linked to the theme of the annual Dossier Call for Papers, which is organised around a different problem or theme for each issue of the journal.

Production of knowledge(s) through art

In this section we receive works that use artistic languages as valid means to develop critical reflection, research, activism and feminist militancy. The proposal may consist of documentation of work, registration of work, work in progress, etc. It can respond to an artistic discipline or be multidisciplinary. We will receive proposals in visual, audiovisual, sound, poetry, short stories, narrative, on-camera performance, etc. 

We will receive:

Image files: .jpg format (maximum 3 Mb per image), up to 10 images in total.
Video files: Codec: H264/Frame Rate: 25 fps/Appearance Ratio: 16:9. Resolution: 1280 x 720 / 1980 x 1080 / Audio codec: Stereo AAC (faac). 48 kHz to 24 bits 2 channels. Duration between 5 and 15 minutes.
Sound files: WAV format, 16bit, 44.1Khz, 2 channels. Duration: between 3 and 15 minutes. Up to 3 files in total.
Text files in word or PDF format, up to 8 pages. If images are included, they must be inserted in the file.

If the video or sound files are very large, they must be sent through a shared link such as Drive, Dropbox, or other without expiration (NOT by wetransfer or similar).

The submission must include the title of the work; name, surname and institutional affiliation of the author/s or the creator collective; city and country. The work submitted (image, video or sound) must be accompanied by a text of up to 500 words in which the context of the production of the work, the process and/or conceptual development of the work is explained and by 3 keywords. The title, the text and the keywords must be in Spanish and English.

Incipient Research

In order to stimulate the research activity of advanced undergraduate students, recent graduates and postgraduate students, we will receive partial or final results of their research, either in the form of academic articles, essays, or as reports of experiences or artistic productions.

The works received in this section must respect the general submission guidelines; this includes attaching resumen and abstract; palabras clave and keywords. In the first instance, they will be read and pre-selected by the Editorial Committee; then, they will be evaluated by external referees. 

Collective Writing

We know that the individuality of the writer is problematic, it makes us wonder about its scope, to review its (im)possibility and the absences that arise from it. In this section we propose to make a place for other formats of authorship that exceed those of the individual's own name. Anonymous contributions, generated by collectives or teams, or contributions made by/within group(s) that put in question the place of authorship, are welcome in this section. The text should not exceed 8,000 words and should follow the general submission guidelines; this includes attaching resumen and abstract; palabras clave and keywords.


We welcome interviews with leading figures in academia, feminist activism, diversity and sexual dissidence whose careers or productions are relevant to the current context or the theme of the dossier.

The presentation of the text of the interview should follow the general presentation guidelines indicated in the "Submission Guidelines", in addition to the following points:

-Interviews should be preceded by a short text (in both Spanish and English), prepared by the interviewer(s), in which the following is stated: A brief biodata of the interviewee; A brief contextualisation of the subject-matter of the interview and the situation in which it was conducted.
-The interviewer(s) must indicate his/her/their institutional affiliation in accordance with the requirements of the "Guidelines for authors".
-Interventions by the interviewer(s) (questions, comments, etc.) should be in a separate paragraph and written in bold type.
-The names of the interviewer(s) should not be used to head questions and comments. The name of the respondent should be given only if more than one person is being interviewed.
-The interviewer's questions should be short and concise, without developing thematic or theoretical categories.
-The interviewee's answers can be edited by the interviewer before sending the text to the journal. For examples: If the answer was too long or included very different topics from each other, the information can be reorganised using dummy questions. If the same theme or associated themes were developed in different answers, the information can be regrouped to make the resulting text more coherent.
-Before submitting the interview text to the journal, the interviewer should check with the interviewee on formatting issues such as the spelling of the names cited, the full details of the institutions or bibliographical references mentioned, etc. This information should be recorded in footnotes.
-Whenever possible, we suggest sending the transcript of the interview to the interviewee for permission before submitting the text to the journal.



This section aims that through activism, militancy, the pleasure of reading and the commitment to weaving networks to make community, we recover the practice of translating feminist texts and sharing them. These can be individual or collective translations, with or without authorship. We expect short texts such as articles, political manifestos, poetry, blogs that challenge us from activism. We expect the reception of texts with free licenses whose quality-relevance will be evaluated by specialized references. The presentation should follow the general submission guidelines; ; this includes attaching resumen and abstract; palabras clave and keywords.


We will receive reviews of books, films, artwork, cultural materials (fiction and non-fiction) no older than five years.

The general submission guidelines apply, taking into account, in addition, the following:

An image of the cover of the reviewed book, scanned at 200 dpi or at the highest possible resolution in JGP OR JGEP format, sent as an attachment, shall be included.
No illustrations, charts, graphs or photographs shall be included, except for the image of the book cover of the reviewed book, inserted in the text in the upper right-hand corner.


In this section we hope for reflective, pioneering, instigating, cutting-edge contributions on the issues and problems that confront us today, both from the academy and from feminist and sexual diversity and dissidence activism.

The presentation of the text of the essay must follow the general submission guidelines; this includes attaching resumen and abstract; palabras clave and keywords.


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