

  • Group: "Sexualities, violence and rights in Cordoba"
  • Grupo: “Activismos sexo-genéricos y feministas en la Córdoba del nuevo Milenio"


The articulation between the struggles of feminisms and what today is known as sex-gender dissidence is not new in our country. The expression of convergent agendas between both social actors actually responds to a long and complex process of collective inscription that is increasingly necessary to trace, investigate and understand. If we situate ourselves in the recent political history of Argentina, since the 1970s we can recognise various forms of inscribing disputes for "equality", "inclusion", or "differences" in the matrix of oppressive relations configured under the codes of patriarchy, capitalism and heteronormativity. This does not mean, however, that these struggles have been articulated from the same narratives or imaginaries of justice. On the contrary, the histories of feminisms and sex-gender dissidence are made up of encounters, but also of tensions and conflicts around the object of dispute, the tactics and strategies of the possible and the horizons of emancipation. This history, which we can understand as pluriversal, brings with it the challenging task of being able to venture into readings against the grain that allow us to highlight the conflicting set of meanings and practices that these collectives have historically disputed, not only with society, but also with their own ranks: between more institutional or autonomous activism and militancy, between more or less diverse or dissident identity practices, cis or trans, just to mention a few. 


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