Female subjectivity and literature in nineteenth-century England. An approach to Cumbres Borrascosas


  • Beatriz Dávilo Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Emily Brontë, subjectivity, the feminine, hermeneutics of self


This article approaches the novel Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë, from the perspective of the history of thought, as a narrative experiment inscribed in the tradition of the hermeneutics of the self, and permeated by the atmosphere of the romantic post-revolutionary moment. Through the identification of speech topics and narrative strategies, we attempt to explore the enunciative possibilities opened by that text, related with the problematization of the social and cultural configuration of the feminine and the setting in debate of the meanings located in the significant “woman" in nineteenth-century England.


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Author Biography

  • Beatriz Dávilo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

    National University of Rosario. National University of Entre Ríos. Research Council of the National University of Rosario.


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Thematic Dossier

How to Cite

Female subjectivity and literature in nineteenth-century England. An approach to Cumbres Borrascosas. (2022). Polémicas Feministas, 6, 1-15. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/polemicasfeminista/article/view/39422