When Thelma Fardín played Thelma Fardín. Uses of biodrama as an analytical category in social sciences.


  • Leonardo Huici Capra Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA)


Bio-drama, Feminisms, Biography, Agency


In a constant and sometimes conflictive dialogue, scenic materialities, artistic variables and sociological categories will be put in tension once again to dialogue in an interdisciplinary key. From the case: Thelma Fardín in 2018 and her denunciation of sexual abuse that occurred in Nicaragua, when she was only 16 years old, the Actrices Argentinas movement is restructured and empowered in the public sphere, who support and form a support network for Thelma. If putting on paper the personal experience is autoethnography, staging the lived experience is: biodrama. This acting procedure studied by Vivi Tellas stresses the liminal interstices between reality/fiction, representation/presentation, lie/truth; It appeals to the documentary and biographical as materiality of communication and it is on this point where we will focus to investigate the capacity of agency of the procedure, not as an atomic, individual and essentialist entity, on the contrary, as a scaffolding located in a feminist scene, sororal and of community links, which permeates once again to reaffirm the biography, intimate, (the) personal, as (it is) political.


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Author Biography

  • Leonardo Huici Capra, Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA)

    Department of Dramatic Arts "Antonio Cunill Cabanellas", Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires.


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Incipient Research

How to Cite

When Thelma Fardín played Thelma Fardín. Uses of biodrama as an analytical category in social sciences. (2022). Polémicas Feministas, 6, 1-9. https://revistas.psi.unc.edu.ar/index.php/polemicasfeminista/article/view/39427

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